
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Leading Child Development Through Play


Our Cause

We aim to mainstream play and make play an integral part of children’s learning through advocating for the Right to Play


Our Impact

We take Play to 77,000 children across Maharashtra everyday and have supported  5,000+ teachers to transform them into Play Practitioners


Our Approach

Our unique Conscious Play™ approach empowers children through a transformational impact on childhood experiences and outcomes


Our Play Programmes

We transform classrooms into play spaces, thus enabling a safe space for children to develop 21st century life skills such as critical thinking, communication and socio-emotional learning

Mask group

100,000+ children access our play programmes every day.


The Power of Play

Play is a life-affirming spark that keeps children spirited and joyful even in the face of adversity. Play drives us to live in the moment. Play needs no language; Play is the language for a child to communicate and explore.

Toybank, the flagship project of The Opentree Foundation, a non-profit organisation, optimises the power of play to ensure happier, healthier and fulfilling childhoods. Our play programmes create safe spaces that empower at-risk children to grow, learn and express themselves.

Play enriches childhood in ways that lead children to grow into confident, responsible and compassionate members of our society.

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken [adults].

–  Frederick Douglass

Work With Us

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- Be a part of our motivated and
committed team


You can ensure more children have access to our play programmes
- Donate now
- Partner with us

Become A Volunteer

Your time and skills can make a
difference in children's lives
- Fundraise for us
- Become a Play advocate

The Numbers at Play

Toybank’s 3-year impact study with over 8,000 children shows how Play changed children’s lives in Mumbai’s urban informal settlements.

10x increase in Curiosity

5x increase in Honesty

2x increase in Attention span

Behavioural Progress
(Period: April 2017 - March 2020)

Our reach

Play Changes Lives

We have grown our Play programme presence to 12 districts across Maharashtra, India. It has successfully helped at-risk children develop greater cognitive, socio-emotional and critical thinking skills.


Children actively learning through play every day


Play2Learn centres


Government school partners


Teachers trained as Play facilitators

Impact Stories

Our Play Advocates

What Supporters Say About Us

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