Play for Transformation
The need to make Play mainstream and an integral part of society can never be emphasised enough. After all, play improves children’s educational, health and employability outcomes.
India is a signatory to the UNCRC Article 31 (1990)—Right to Play for every child. Yet, the importance of Play as integral to a child’s growth is undervalued. Society at large considers academics important, and Play does not figure unless as a career option in sports. While there are a few experiential schools, these are accessible to only a few privileged elites. Toybank aims to make Play a reality for every child.
In 2020, the revised National Education Policy, in spite of limitations, accepted the Play-way method of education. This gives us the window to advocate how Play helps social-emotional learning and mental health.
Driving on this notion, Toybank hosted its first-ever round table, to discuss ‘Play for Transformation’ and how to make it mainstream. The session was attended by Toybank’s supporters, trustees and board members.